Friday 28 June 2013

Chapter 2.4- Decisions, Decisions, who will lead Generation 3 ?

Time passes and it was soon Leisure day, I went to the Festival with Will while Mathoias spent some quality time with the girls, Will loved roller skating, he flew round the wings really fast
Then we played Shoot out which I of course won so I showed my 12 year old the moves
Then we had a water fight and my 12 year old won and I mean won, he crushed me, I went home soaking and my husband found it hilarious, you wait, I said next time your playing will.
Little Beatrice is the quiet one of the quads, I've noticed, she prefers playing downstairs with the soft toys rather then joining in with her sisters loud games and fighting. She also enjoys the house and playing dress up with her sisters and hairdressers when they are calm that is.
Soon Will is a Teen and an Handsome Athletic one at that
With the Girls sleeping and will busy doing homework, me and My Hubby let off some steam by playing some physical games.
Soon it's the Girls birthday so I give their room a makeover.
Beatrice has a Good Sense of Humpr
Bel becomes an Vegetarian
Mary-Ann inherited my Artistic tenchncies
and Louisa my little clone loves the outdoors
Heir Poll [polldaddy poll=7197513], it ends on Friday 5th July

Monday 24 June 2013

Chapter 2.3- The Move

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How time flies, Already, William is off to school, he and his cousin love throwing stones and pebbles and playing on the beach, they love going there every weekend with their grandparents but soon the family will be moving as this island is too small with the ever growing family.
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The Family all move to Everthing Island 2, Mum and Dad have thier own home, a small cozy cottage near the sea with a spare room for when the Grandkids come to stay, they have six but want some more. Me, Mathois, the Girls and William move into this lovely room.
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It takes most of our funds though so Mathois is working hard for a promotion and I try and sell as much paintings as possible. Soon the Girls are adorable toddlers who are into everything.
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and Mary-Ann
With Five growing kids and us being on a low income, I mostly make pan food as It's quick and cheap and I need quick as Will is at school all day and Mathias is hard at work so I have to keep up with four curious, adventurous toddlers, just the other day, I turned round and somehow, Mary-Ann had managed to climb onto the counters so now when i am cooking, they go into their highchairs with some musical toys to keep them entertained
Will has found a new friend too, he invites little Arabella or is it Annabel, I got confused with the Angel girls over a lot to watch TV and play games with, Maybe a budding romance in the future.
Little Belinda or Bel as I call her looks so Innocent playing the xylophone, you wouldn't know that five minutes later, Louisa would try to take it and she would slap her sister now would you, two year olds need a lot of energy and I have it times 4.

Friday 21 June 2013

Chapter 2.2- The Big Suprise

Mum and Dad are still fit despite their advancing years, they still both hold down jobs and most nights find the time to play catch in the yard, they tell me, that they can't wait until Will is big enough to play with them.
The Doctor called today and said, I am carrying Multiples but he's not sure how many and I don't know why, I must be very Fertile and that they are Girls.
When Mathius comes home from work, he plays the Guitar, Will loves the music his step-dad plays dancing and singing along to it.
Soon, I go into Labour, a Month early, maybe it's because, I am carrying Multiples, Mum and Dad watch Will while me and Matt go to the Hospital.
They Weren't joking when they said Multiple, Like my mum before me I have given Birth to Quads. Belinda, Mary-Ann, Louisa and Beatrice.

Monday 17 June 2013

Chapter 2.1- Life with my 2 boys

4 and a half years on
I bet your wondering why My family archives have been empty for so long , well I'll tell you, Life gave me a few surprises.  I broke up with Morgan 18 Months into my course then I realized I was pregnant and I dropped out of college to have my son William who  I adore. Morgan Still Hasn't come to still his son and William is three now but i don't mind, I am in a steady relationship with my loving boyfriend Mathius and we are trying for another baby. My parents adore little Will and Love watching him so I can paint and sell my paintings and Mike has a steady job at the Theater so we are getting on fine, I wish Morgan would be interested in Will but he isn't .
My parents are such a great help with William and love babysitting him so I can spend time with Mathius and we have a very loving realsionship, Maybe this is what was wrong with mine and Morgans realsionship, I didn't miss him so much or was as romantic with him, maybe I should have realised the love wasn't there but we were teenagers so maybe that's why.
I have been throwing up a lot lately and I remember this from William so I think I am pregnant again, only time will tell.
William loves his Grandfather father or Grand-Da as he calls him a lot, I think it's because dad is a big kid at heart and loves doing tickle time with his oldest Grandson, I said oldest as Olly is a dad too, he has a son called Brendan who is about a year younger then my will. Both boys have purple eyes and dark hair but otherwise they are nothing alike as Will is a purple fairy like his dad.

Friday 14 June 2013

Chapter 1.10- An End and A new beggining

I got a promotion, only problem that the job was in Sunlit Tides, apparently they needed a Pastry Chef. After much discussion it was decided that we would moved to Sunlit tides and the Quads and Morgan would finish off their schooling there. We moved into this lovely three bedroomed house with a room for the boys, 1 for Jess and another for me and Lucas
Jess has found a love for music now too so Lucas bought her this Guitar which she loves to play while the boys cheer or boo her on depends on their mood but Morgan always supports her.
Oliver is already Popular around here and got called for a date by Luna Wahine, I wonder if anything will come from it.
Soon it is time for the teens birthday and time for my Heir Jessie to take over. from Now on the diary will be from her perceptive as her and Morgan set out on their new life together.
Olly as an Young Adult
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Jess and Morgan as Young Adults
Thomas as an Young Adult
and Zak as young adult.
Sims can be downloaded at my Main Site here

Monday 10 June 2013

Chapter 1.9- Realsionships.

Thomas and Lucas play a game of catch in the yard, they are so full of engery
Then Lucas teaches all the quads to drive well apart from Jess, she dosen't want to
so we play a game of frisbee in the yard while Lucas is with the boys even though she needs practice, she nearly knocked me out with the thing.
I found out today that Jessie's Boyfriend whose shes deeply in love with lives in the hostel, I tell her that he can move in after all, whats one more teen in the house but no funny business. I am too young for Grand kids so she asks and he accepts and an Loft bed is placed in the kids room.
and he has a little makeover.

Friday 7 June 2013

Chapter 1.8- The Parents return

Jessica's P.O.W
After the party it was time to clean up, I took the bathroom where I has to fix the objects and clean and I left my brothers to do the kitchen and the rest of downstairs to throw out all the pizza boxes and beer cans so mum and dad will never knew we threw a party, we even did the Laundry as it was piling up and ending up on the floor
The Tv and the Trash Compacter had to be repaired too but my brothers did them.
After cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry, I went to let off some steam by jumping in puddles in my nightwear, it was such fun.
Then I went on a date with Morgan, he is very Family Oriented and we talked about our future children, Yes I want to get married and have kids but Frist I would like to go to Uni and get an Degree.
Zak went out clubbing and met a few girls and had a great time, he didn't get in til 3am in the morning good thing our parents are away or he'll be in big trouble.
Annabelle's P.O.W
Well the kids kept the house nice and tidy and they even did the laundry for me so when I came home, Lucas went to do some gardening while I played Kicky Bag.