Friday 31 May 2013

Chapter 1.6- Growing Pains

Jessica just loves to paint, I hope that this hobby for hers will make a living for her as it's what she wants to do, she's better at it then me alreayy.
Spring has finally come and the snow has melted so Lucas and Zak finally went fishing at the lake, they caught so much fish and the frezzer is bursting with it so they used some of it to fertilize the plants.
Jess went to the Spring festival and played horseshoes, she loved it and won some lovely tickets.
Oliver decided to dance at the festival then the quads had their birthday and aged into teens.
Jess has become quite over-emotional, well at least it will add depth and character to her paintings.
Olly has become an Bookworm, good thing that the kids room has an bookshelf.
Thomas is an Workaholic, at least he will be succesful
and Zak has an Green thumb, another budding gardener in the family.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Chapter 1.5- Childhood Fun

Oliver loves the new toy oven that we brought for the Quads Birthday, he loves using it to bake sweet delights to eat and share with his friends and families and he has already maxed the skill and makes great Deserts
at the Moment, Little Jessie is in her princess phrase, she loves dressing up and pretending that she's addressing her loyal subjects or exploring her castle, our little girl has such a creative imagination.
She even uses the play table to further develop her imagination saying to me and Lucas as she bluilds that she's building a castle with an art studio where she's going to live.
Oliver enjpoys the outdoors , he loves playing catch with Lucas and they don't let the snow stop them, Everyday, I have to remind them to wear outerwear and I come home and Olly's in his everyday wear, some days, I wonder where my husbands head is at.
The other boys decide to stay inside this winter, Zak wanted to go and do some fishing but the lake has been frozen over so he complains about the winter to his dad, the plants are dormant too so he can't even do some gardening. Thomas has his head in a book, that boy loves to sit around reading and it's not children's stories, he wants to read either but textbooks, he loves learning and he always wants to learn more, my zak is an sponge for information.
One night, while the children are sleeping, I discuss the heir for my family who will be continuing on the family line of mine, after much discusion with Lucas and some friends of mine, I have chosen Jessica to be my Heir.

Friday 17 May 2013

Chapter 1.4- Childhood Dreams

A few years later
The Quads have grown some much and they already have their own personalities, now that they are in school, I have gone back to work full time as we are running low on funds.
Jessica is such an Perfectionist, She loves painting but they have to get exactly right or she will start over again so she paints like me but takes twice as long and she dosen't do it for fun, she wants to be a World Famous Artist.
Oliver is Ambitous, he loves playing schools with his siblings but he is always the teacher and he is a bit bossy at them, I wonder where he gets it from.
Thomas is a Bookworm, he loves reading and always has his nose in a book and he is great at school, he loves it always talking about the new things he's learnt and what else he can learn, he can't wait to go to school every day.
Zackary loves the Outdoors, he always out there watching and helping Lucas with the Gardening, go fishing also with Lucas and Playing games and Exploring the countryside around us.
and this is their room
Winter has arrived and Jess loves it, she always playing in the Snow and making Snowman, maybe it's her artistic trait to create men in snow
and Olly loves playing in the treehouse, shouting to his siblings as they chase around each other, come and join me in the playhouse and Mummy what are you painting

Monday 13 May 2013

Chapter 1.3- A busy but fun filled Life

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After the Quads were born the house became very hectic and whereas I was on Maternity leave, I was the one they woke up in the early hours of the Morning needing feeds and with four of them to get through and Lucas working, It was quite hard.
but he is such an Good dad, when he gets home from work he takes over care of the quads so I can catch up on sleep. They may be hard work but I love my little ones so much.
Lucas is still an Avid Gardener and I use the Produce, he grows for my cooking so we save money that we need for the Quads on Food.
Soon it is time for the quads birthday, Me and Lucas help them to blow out thier candles and they Grow into cute toddlers.
Oliver really enjoys playing with the Xylophone, he hums along as he bangs the stick up and down on the keys, well when he's not exploring the stick using his mouth, and we have to say No Olly, we don't eat the stick
Thomas prefers playing with the dolls house, He likes pretending that the dolls are relatives of ours,have I mentioned he gets visions that he acts out using the dolls, Oh Dear he must take after his Grandfather, my dad used to get visions and that's why he and his wife and 2 sons were in that car crash that only my husband survived, His younger brother died, I was named after his little sister, Oh also My mum was his Mistress.
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Zak and Jess love tickle time with me, they giggle and babble in exictment and encouragement.

Friday 10 May 2013

Chapter 1.2- Hot Summer Days and The Big Suprise

I got a promotion today and to celebrate, I went to the Tattoo Palour and got a Dolphin Tattoo on my back.
Also today is Leisure day and in Monte Vista, It's a National Holiday, Me and Lucas go to visit the Festival together, it looks like it would be great fun.
Frist of all,  we get our picture taken together and when we get home we can stick it on the wall.
Then Lucas decides to show off his athletic skill by doing shootouts at the net, he says it reminds him of happier times like on the Farm on Sundays when he and the other child workers used to kick a potato around in the Fields for fun as they didn't earn enough to buy a football.
I try out the roller rink, It takes a few times I fall over a lot but soon I catch on Spinning and Whizzing round the track, I wish There was a rink near here so I could skate more often.
Lucas see's the Ice-cream cart and goes to make himself a Strawberry and Cream Sundae then he eats it while he watches me skate refusing to join me though
Later as the day draws to a close, we have an Water fight, I win knocking my husband over, He says it's because of the Ice-Cream, Yeah Right, he's just dosen't like losing
It's is nearing the end of Summer when I found out I am pregnant and change into this beautiful Blue dress, I hope I have a girl but Lucas wants a boy, I wonder who will get their wish.
The Pregnancy passed quite quickly and I think I am carrying twins, My belly is so big, I spent the months Painting and Learning new recipes and practicing my cooking and my due date was coming closer and closer
I was only Seven Months in when I went into Labour, my water breaks and I find out I am carrying quads, when we reached the Hospital, I was rushed in for a emergency Cesarean.
  and after when I was in recovery they said it may be difficult for me to have any more children as one of my ovaries were badly damaged, I was dispointed but I will have my hands full with the Quads, 3 Boys and A Girl.
Oliver my first born was born With Friendly and Genius Traits, 
Jessica was born 2nd, She is Artistic and a Heavy sleeper.
Then came Little Thomas, A friendly Genius
and Finally Zachary, He rolled Good and Heavy Sleeper Traits.
I will be having an Heir poll soon so you can pick what child to lead Gen 2, This was a Surprise  It messed up my Story line a bit, I was hoping for twins and to adopt a third as a child but the game threw me a loop.

Chapter 1.2- Hot Summer Days and The Big Suprise

I got a promotion today and to celebrate, I went to the Tattoo Palour and got a Dolphin Tattoo on my back.
Also today is Leisure day and in Monte Vista, It's a National Holiday, Me and Lucas go to visit the Festival together, it looks like it would be great fun.
Frist of all,  we get our picture taken together and when we get home we can stick it on the wall.
Then Lucas decides to show off his athletic skill by doing shootouts at the net, he says it reminds him of happier times like on the Farm on Sundays when he and the other child workers used to kick a potato around in the Fields for fun as they didn't earn enough to buy a football.
I try out the roller rink, It takes a few times I fall over a lot but soon I catch on Spinning and Whizzing round the track, I wish There was a rink near here so I could skate more often.
Lucas see's the Ice-cream cart and goes to make himself a Strawberry and Cream Sundae then he eats it while he watches me skate refusing to join me though
Later as the day draws to a close, we have an Water fight, I win knocking my husband over, He says it's because of the Ice-Cream, Yeah Right, he's just dosen't like losing
It's is nearing the end of Summer when I found out I am pregnant and change into this beautiful Blue dress, I hope I have a girl but Lucas wants a boy, I wonder who will get their wish.
The Pregnancy passed quite quickly and I think I am carrying twins, My belly is so big, I spent the months Painting and Learning new recipes and practicing my cooking and my due date was coming closer and closer
I was only Seven Months in when I went into Labour, my water breaks and I find out I am carrying quads, when we reached the Hospital, I was rushed in for a emergency Cesarean.
  and after when I was in recovery they said it may be difficult for me to have any more children as one of my ovaries were badly damaged, I was dispointed but I will have my hands full with the Quads, 3 Boys and A Girl.
Oliver my first born was born With Friendly and Genius Traits, 
Jessica was born 2nd, She is Artistic and a Heavy sleeper.
Then came Little Thomas, A friendly Genius
and Finally Zachary, He rolled Good and Heavy Sleeper Traits.
I will be having an Heir poll soon so you can pick what child to lead Gen 2, This was a Surprise  It messed up my Story line a bit, I was hoping for twins and to adopt a third as a child but the game threw me a loop.